The National Arts Education Archive

National Exhibition of Children's Art

Below is a complete list of the 2,110 items in this collection.
Click the titles for details. (An asterix signifies that the record includes an image.)
Records per page:

Dock wharfe
Davies, Simon
Painting or drawing

Booth, Vicky
Painting or drawing

McIntosh, Fiona
Painting or drawing

Grapes and fruit in a bowl
Rashad, Kamran
Painting or drawing

Daffodils in the wind
Birley, James
Painting or drawing

Self portrait
Keay, Catherine Margaret
Painting or drawing

Self portrait
Pope, Andrea
Painting or drawing

Araf, Nahida
Painting or drawing

Vase of flowers
Kruzycka, Karen
Painting or drawing

Green, Dave
Painting or drawing